A Decade After Egg Donation

Now in our seventeenth year of coordinating egg donations, rarely a week goes by I am not moved to tears of gratitude for being able to facilitate human connections that go so deep. We get to witness the outpouring of gratitude between egg donors and the parents they have helped. Staying in touch with your donor can mean annually or every five years, it is always Very Special. In the following email, names have been changed. It is a reply from a donor to her couple, their child is 10 years old.

-Robin Newman


Donor Lisa:  

Dear Alice & Jack,


It is always so very lovely to hear for you and to hear about what an amazing young man your son is becoming.

He is so very handsome, although I may be biased. I cant believe he is 10 years old!

Your family is by far the most memorable of my donations and you all hold a very warm place in my heart.

It makes everything so very worth it to hear what an wonderful son you have and hearing how wonderfully kind, happy and generous he is, is a testament to what incredible parents you two are to have raised such an exceptional young man.

Donating the egg was merely a small part, it is what you have done with that gift that is the true testament to this process. I am so very proud to have been your donor.

Ron and I certainly share a lot of common interests, I too love puzzles, reading and maths (I often tell people it is my superpower) and of course most importantly a love for animals. I too have 3 dogs and a cat (‘my children’).

My small part of wisdom, which you can impart on Ron, is to maintain the love for reading, puzzles and math, it is important to keep an active and inquiring mind. Never stop learning.

Blessings to you all. And a wonderful 2019.
