I choose to help
There is one thing all of our egg donors have in common, they are independent thinkers. They listen to their heart and do what feels right, and it often is not the opinion of others. Many Egg Donors only tell those closest to them about their decision to help people in need of eggs.
- Robin Newman
Egg donor: "Many people have and will question egg donation, judge before they truly look into it, we do that with a lot of things. I find myself judging before I truly know, and when I do catch myself, I step back and try and look at things from all perspectives, I give the thing, person, experience a chance. To people who question donation, I encourage an open mind and explain why I do it.
There are many reasons I do egg donation, I love giving to others, bring joy and love to their lives, I love helping to create life instead of stunt it, I believe that DNA does not make you a parent, being there for all of the important and unimportant events in your child's life, and filling it with care and love is being a parent, I believe that there are people out there that will make wonderful parents but cannot conceive the conventional way, but luckily we have so many advances today that there are other ways for them to have children and I am honored to be a part of it, to help. Finally I tell them that it is all about the perspective you take in life, and I choose to see things not with hate and judgement in my heart, but rather to fill my life with love, kindness and joy, to always see the good, to see the light on the darkest of days.
So for now, while I can, I choose to help, to spread my love, kindness and joy. I don't regret my choice for one second, in fact I revel in it."