Puerto Vallarta

How did Global Egg Donors got to work with the clinic in Puerto Vallarta in Mexico?

I went to visit this clinic on recommendation from an Intended Parent who wanted to use it for their donation and surrogacy.

It is just north of busy tourist town of Puerto Vallarta.

I stayed 3 weeks! Enough said.  :)

Robin Newman

Egg Donor essay about donation in December 2018:

"Today was the day of my retrieval and everything went smoothly. It was my first trip to Puerto Vallarta. What a magical place, I absolutely love everything about Puerto Vallarta; the food is amazing especially seeing that you are on hormones. The people are very friendly. If you love summer and the beach then it’s definitely the place for you. 

The clinic was  by far the best one I have been to. They are very organized and take extremely good care of their donors and everyone working there is very friendly. They discharged me with a whole regime for optimal recovery. The clinic made me as a donor feel very important and special. 

I was very blessed to have met my recipient, he surprised me with the most beautiful bunch of red roses. I could see how grateful he was and that made my whole donation process 100% worth it. Thank you once again Global Egg Donors, especially Karen and Robin, for making this wonderful experience possible. I really do hope that this donation will be a great success."